Supporting the Tuition Angel Fund
The Tuition Angel Fund
Many children who went to Catholic schools in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s attended for free or minimal tuition. A Catholic education today runs nearly $4,000 for elementary school and over $9,000 for high school for each child.
The Tuition Angel Fund is a concrete way to help families who may struggle to pay for a Catholic education. When someone loses a job, when medical bills become overwhelming, or when other challenging situations arise, it is a comfort to know that your fellow parishioners support you in educating your child in the faith. It gives those of us who benefited from our Catholic education an opportunity to ‘pay it forward’ and help educate another generation, providing them with a faith foundation upon which they can build a successful and devout life.
If you wish to make a contribution to the Tuition Angel Fund, you may drop off a donation at any time to the Parish Office.
The grants made through the Tuition Angel Fund are made possible through the generosity of your fellow parishioners. All money raised goes directly to offset the cost of tuition for Saint John Fisher parishioners enrolled in Holy Family Regional School or the Parish Religious Education Program.